Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2014


- Cut learning targets to be simple and understandable.
- Break apart slides into more workable with time management.
- Learning targets are written as "I can..."
- Proper placement of learning target will be a focus.  They do not have to always go at the beginning.
- Add number talks to the unit!

To Do:
*Lesson 1 and 2 need # talks added
*Add vocabulary - denominator, numerator, comparing fractions (benchmark)

Mini Lesson:
Benchmark fractions
Comparing fractions to a whole

-Days have been changed to Lessons, as noted in the guide and powerpoint.
-Change the plus to the circle (for comparing)
-Add number lines to models for lessons!!!!

Board Writing:
1. Sandwich Investigation
2. Continue Investigation
3. Congress
    vocabulary mini-lesson
    comparing mini-lesson
    benchmark fractions
4. Sharing the sandwiches Investigation
5. Congress
    adding and subtracting mini-lesson
6. Writing about fractions
7. Developing Equivalence
8. Fundraiser Investigation
9. Continue Fundraiser Investigation
10. Congress
    Mini-Lesson: Equivalent fractions
11. Assessment
*Bring ON the fraction games!!

whole number
unit fraction (where the numerator is one and the denominator is a positive integer)
benchmark fraction (common fractions that you can judge other numbers against ex: landmark fraction)
mixed number

Mini-lesson vocabulary  
                  comparing/benchmark L3 (add number lines with different   (Ann)
                  adding and subtracting  L5          (Rachel)
                  mixed numbers L7                      (Kimberly)
                  equivalent fractions L10              (Lydia)

Practice & Homework:
Lesson 3                (Jana)
Lesson 5                (Sara)
Lesson 7                (Erin)
Lesson 10              (Jana)

Develop Review/fill in HWx2   (Sara and Erin)

We will meet again tomorrow at 8:30 to work on stuff.  :)


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