Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 8th CAD

CAD Responsibilities
Agenda: Jana 
Notes/Attendance: Ann
Copies: Kimberly
Copies: Lydia
Proofreader: Fran
Media Captain: Erin
Logistics Diva: Sara
Sunshine Spreader: Rachel

*Sign in to Google doc*
1. Reflection
2. Discuss any tweaking to multiplication unit.
3. Complete the following:

Finish Proofreading Place Value Curriculum Guide: Rachel
Multiplication Assessment- tweak to 10 questions (1 open ended) Rachel 
Complete Supports/Enrichments for PV: Sara
Science: Ann and Lydia 
Delete the Big Dinner from the PPT and Curriculum Guide: Jana 
Remove practice slides from the PPT and create a Practice PPT slide folder: Erin 
Create 8 Homework assignments (this will take multiple people): Sara and Kimberly
*Use the assessment & mini-lessons to guide homework for specific days.

Anyone who finishes the assignment above should begin the following;
Use Practice slides in the newly created Practice PPT slide folder to create Practice worksheets:

*Day 1 PV Homework inserted on Drive next year

-Day 2 of Paintbrush Predicament was rather challenging for most students. Most feel that is seems as if this group of students have never been challenged/asked to think.

-Students seem have to a poor understanding of the difference between place and value.

-Students are not taking time to do their best on exit slips. Erin is pulling invitation groups after introducing the next investigation. Students who got their exit slip correct may pick a partner and begin the investigation. Students who did not turn in great work on their exit slip work with Erin in an invitational group. Erin then assigns them a partner. Students have since started given more quality work.

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