Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 9th & 10th


1. Create a list of our criteria for effective: mini-lessons & practice, assessments, homework and challenges. We will also put together a list of the components of our curriculum guides that may require "tweaking."

2. Lisa will give us an overview of the Professional Learning Teams we will be forming this year, and will also share some information about the mathematical writing strategy we discussed in May. '

3. Break into groups and begin enhancing and revising our curriculum guides: (*Our goal is to get one curriculum guide revised each day, and to have some time to swap and look through the other team's guide)

Day 1 Unit
Number Sense/Place Value
Problem Solving
Day 2 Unit
Multi-Digit Division
Multiplication & Area
Team Leader
Jana Walls
Sara Wessel
Team Members
Kimberly Hendrick
Erin Deneke
Fran Box
Ann Bettis
Rachel Davis
Lisa Lothspeich**

4. Lunch Break- We will be ordering pizza ($5.00). Text or email me if you are willing to bring a salad or dessert- (228-8429). Go ahead and bring whatever you'd like to drink.

5. Continue working on your team's guide(s) and go over the other team's completed guide. 

1. We created a list of CAD job for the upcoming school year. 

AGENDA This person will record any unfinished CAD business as well as additional information collected during the week to create an Agenda for the next CAD.  The Agenda will be sent to members by Thursday.

NOTES/ATTENDANCE  - In addition to taking attendance and giving it to Elizabeth Wilson (for now), this person will take notes during CAD and will post them to our blog  http://pi4thgrademathandscience.blogspot.com/

COPIES (2)– There will be one copy person for each hall.   That person will coordinate with the members on their hall and will communicate with Michelle.
PROOFREADER- (This person will proofread and correct any documents created in CAD.  They will provide a “good” copy to each of the copy people by Wednesday.

MEDIA CAPTAIN (-: - This person will be responsible for setting up and managing the elmo during the CAD meeting.(if necessary).

LOGISTICS DIVA  - This person will serve as time keeper and will facilitate the CAD meeting as we work through the week’s agenda.

SUNSHINE -  This person will be responsible for recognizing various positive aspects of members, CAD, Curriculum, Students, School, etc……

2. A rotation was established and will be posted on the blog. 

3. We discussed and chose Professional Learning Teams
(Teams will meet once a month following our Staff Meeting. Time for sharing from the team members will be available at the beginning of the following week's CAD meeting.) 

4. Lisa provided an overview of the 4-2-1 math/writing strategy that will be used following math congress. 

5. We established criteria for our assessments, mini-lessons & practice, homework, and tasks/challenges that are listed in the previous post. 

6. We split into 2 groups and worked on improvements in the Place Value and Problem Solving Units. We began by first designing/tweaking our assessments to meet the criteria our CAD established. When both groups were finished, we exchanged assessments to enhance the other group's work. The two group met again to discuss the questions and suggestions they had for the other group's assessment. Lisa will put these first two assessments into Performance Series (Global Scholar) for us. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Criteria for Curriculum Guide Components

Today we established several "big ideas" for this upcoming school year that will take our math instruction to the next level! We also established the criteria listed below for many important components of our curriculum guides.

-clarify the learning target/goal
-academic vocabulary
-formative assessment at the end (Exit Slip)
-practice is separate from a mini-lesson
-we will differentiate practice based on formative assessment
-teachers will pull invitational groups at this time
-the practice could have standard practice, challenging practice then students can move on to a really challenge problem

-Point Value
-Create a library of effective test questions (using Global Scholar)
-All in context
-take assessments in computer lab (during DreamBox time)
-10 total questions (7 multiple choice, 3 open ended)

-goals will be written to have content & math practice standards
-multiple entry points
-various solutions/strategies
-NO obvious solutions
-high cognitive demand
-all in context 

-we will give paper homework
-when we want students to practice a certain strategy, we will give a procedural explanation/example at the top
-context written at the top, problems are additional data/numbers to plug in to the problem
-Specific nights (Tuesday/Thursday)
-At home practice embedded in the curriculum guide
-one hour at school
-DreamBox time could be used for assessment
-highly encourage students to complete additional 30 minutes each week at home, but we will not police this/ Parents can sign the agenda book to verify DreamBox time was complete